AMAA Trainer, Instructor & Teacher Certification
Requirements, Responsibilities & Authority
Senior Teacher (Punong Guro)
- Certification Requirements
- Senior Teacher is the highest instructional level/title and is reserved for
the Head Teacher of the American Modern Arnis System.
The Senior Teacher holds a minimum technical ranking of 8th Degree Black
Belt (Lakan/Dayang Walo) in the American Modern Arnis Associates.
- Responsibilities & Authority
- The Senior Teacher is the person charged with the overall responsibility
for establishing and enforcing the technical, artistic and instructional standards
of the AMAA. The Senior Teacher is responsible for examining Black Belt
and Instructor/Teacher candidates. Examinations may be conducted personally
by the Senior Teacher, by the Senior Teacher as part of a Black Belt
Examination Board or by a Black Belt Examination Board with the Senior
Teacher acting in a supervisory capacity. Black Belt promotions and
Instructor Certifications can only be granted by the American Modern
Arnis Associates's Senior Teacher.
Copyright (c) 1995 - 2006 by Tom Bolden & American Modern Arnis Associates, All Rights Reserved.