Seminars - Classes - Live Cyber Training - Online Video Library
Local, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
The AMAA conducts ongoing seminars on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month, from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, at the following location:
College Hill Park Temple
149 North Clinton Street
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12601
Local, New Windsor, N.Y.
The AMAA conducts ongoing seminars on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of each month, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm & weekly classes from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Tuesday & Thursday evenings, at the following location:
CrossFit New Windsor
214 MacArthur Ave
New Windsor, N.Y. 12553
Contact 845 656-0203
National & International
The AMAA conducts national & international seminars. If you are interested in hosting the AMAA for a seminar, please contact us today. Also visit our You Tube Channel where we have an abundance of videos/clips from actual seminars & demonstrations which showcase the AMAA system & the quality of our seniors & students. All seminars are taught by the seniors ( Punong Guro Tom Bolden and Guro Peter Vargas) of the AMAA system.
Seminar Topics
AMAA seminars cover various aspects of Arnis & Filipino Martial Arts including single cane, double cane & sinawali, disarming, empty hand translations to locking, throwing & grappling, knife strategies, sword & dagger, cane sparring, etc. If you host the AMAA for a seminar & wish to have specific topic coverage, these arrangements should be made at the time the seminar is setup.
Martial Space™ Network is the facility for gathering people from all over the world, in cyber space, in real time, for discussion, sharing, martial arts training & more! Martial Space™ Studio, the core of Martial Space™ Network, is the latest innovation in martial arts training. It provides a "Virtual Environment" which is enabled with live high quality streaming video, robotic vision, voice & text chat. Martial Space™ Studio is the world's first, live "Cyber Training Studio". It is a new cyber dimension which makes live, virtual training over the internet a reality! Martial Space™ Network access, requires registration to acquire a Username & Password for login & entry. Basic registration is free & will allow courtesy access to the Martial Space™ Studio during "Open Studio Time". Shortly after registration you will receive your Martial Space™ Network Username & Password via Email. Before attempting to enter/use the Martial Space™ Lobby/Studio, please thoroughly read & follow all Martial Space™ Network requirements & procedures found in the Martial Space™ Overview section. Click the "Enter Martial Space" banner in the Martial Space™ Lobby, to enter the Martial Space™ Studio during "Open Studio Time" (see the schedule of events in the Martial Space™ Network, Programs & Membership section). Special studio events (I.E. interviews, private lessons, classes) and access to the Martial Space™ Video Training Library require special membership which can be acquired through special registration. Please contact us for more information about Martial Space™ Network & our innovative Combo Training Programs, which consists of hands on seminars/workshops, live cyber classes and access to our exclusive Martial Space™ Video Training Library. Call & let us setup a program for you today! AMERICAN MODERN ARNIS ASSOCIATES (845) 471-0742
International Headquarters
99 Garden Street
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. USA 12601